Master 36 Advanced Google Search Operators for 2025 (Download Sheet & PDF)

One of the most important online skills is to know how to search on Google. Simply entering a few keywords on Google is often NOT enough to find the information you are looking for. 

Google processes over 99,000 search queries every second and 8.55 billion searches per day. However, by using โ€œGoogle search operatorsโ€, you can narrow down your search results and find exactly what you need more easily.

So let’s dive into details,

Google Search Operators Cheat Sheet | PDF for 2025

This cheat sheet is a free handy resource for anyone looking to master Google search. In this cheat sheet, youโ€™ll discover essential tips and tricks, from basic Google searches to advanced search operators. 

Hereโ€™s how you can access and make a copy of the sheet:

  • Google Sheet: Once youโ€™re on Google Sheets, click on โ€œFileโ€ and select “Make a copy” to download a copy to your device.
  • PDF: Once you click on the PDF link, the file will be downloaded directly to your system or phone.

What Are Google Search Operators?

Google search operators are special characters or words that can be added to a search term to refine the results on Google. 

For example, the “site:” search operator can be used to find results from a specific website whereas the “filetype:” operator can be used to find results of a specific type, such as PDFs or Word documents. 

what are google search operators

Google search operators can be extremely useful for finding exactly what you’re looking for.

By learning to use search operators, you can save yourself a ton of time when searching on Google.

So in this guide, youโ€™ll find a lot of useful Google search operators that can be used by anyone from beginners to advanced search users.

Google Search Operators List For 2025

Search operatorWhat does it do?Example
site:Shows Google search results only related to a specific website or
intitle:Searches for specific words in the title of a pageintitle:how to learn SEO
allintitle:It is used to find web pages where all of the specified keywords appear in the titleallintitle:blogging platform
inurl:Helps you find web pages with specific words or phrases in their
intext:Finds web pages where all of the specified keywords appear in the body of the textintext:semrush review
inanchor:Searches for specific words in the anchor text of linksinanchor:”SEO”
filetype:This operator searches for specific file types (e.g., .pdf .doc,.docx)filetype:pdf research paper
define:Defines a word or phrasedefine:SEO
related:Finds websites similar to a specific
ORSearches for either of two termsSEO OR PPC
ANDThis operator will search for both terms or phrases that you enter into Google searchSEO AND PPC
NOTExcludes certain search terms from a searchEmail marketing NOT SEO
weather:Shows the weather information in your areaweather:
stocks:Shows information about specific stocks, including their current price, market cap, and historical datastocks:amazon
” “Google shows exact match words or phrases“Bloggerspassion”
*Wildcard character, replaces any number of words or characterslearn * programming
@Searches for mentions of a specific user on social media@bloggerspassion
..Specifies a range of numbers or datesSEO price:$100..$200
~Finds synonyms of a specific word~happy
“+”Includes a specific word from the search resultscontent marketing +strategy
Excludes a specific word from the search resultscontent marketing -strategy
( )Groups search terms together(WordPress OR Blogger) AND Wix
[ ]Specifies a specific range of characters[a-z] SEO
^Returns results with the specified word at the beginning of the document^WordPress
#Displays hashtags from social media networks#EmailMarketing
inHelps you convert between two equivalent units50 kph in mph
map:It is used to find maps of specific locationsmap:new york
insubject:Google Group articles that contain the phrase โ€œthat you mentionโ€ in the subjectinsubject:”sleeping”
info:It is used to find general information about a specific topic or
movie:Shows the detailed overview of a movie, including its run time, cast, user ratings, etcmovie:avengers
author:This is used to find pages or articles written by a specific authorauthor: brian dean
source:This will return results from a specific source that is available on Google Newssource:mashable
videos:Searches for
books:Shows you information for books including their summary, reviews, etcbooks:The Lord of the Rings
news:Searches for news articles on a specific topic you mention in Google searchnews:politics
loc:Get results from a specific area.loc:โ€Los angelesโ€ hotels

How to Use Google Search Operators?

Google search operators are special keywords that help you refine your search results in Google. 

For example, use before: search operator to search for articles published before a specific date.

Hereโ€™s a real-world example;

google search tricks

As you can see above, the above search operator would find articles published before the mentioned date.

Similarly, you can use the search operator site: to limit results to a specific website.

google search operator

As you can see, youโ€™ll get results only from a particular website.

If youโ€™re looking to write guest posts for the SEO niche, you can use the following search operator to find websites that accept guest posts.

[topic] intitle:”write for us” inurl:write-for-us

Google Advanced Search Operators

For best results, make sure to combine multiple search operators, as they can help you narrow down your search and help you find more relevant information.

For example, if you’re looking for beginner-friendly SEO tips, you could use the following search query:

“SEO tips” intitle:”beginner’s guide” 

This searches for articles with “SEO tips” in the title and “beginner’s guide” anywhere on the web.

In a nutshell, using Google search operators can help you find exactly what you’re looking for, really quickly. 

Most Used Google Search Operators in 2025 (Explained)

Here I have explained the search operators in detailing how each one functions and the various ways they can enhance your search experience:

1. site:

One of the most commonly used operators is “site:”, which allows you to search for all web pages on a particular website. This is useful if you want to find all pages on a website or mention a particular word or phrase.

For example, if you wanted to find all pages on that mention “blogging tips”, you would enter “blogging tips” into the Google search box.

Google Search Operators 2025

2. intitle:

Another useful Google search operator is “intitle:”, which only shows you results that have the specified word in the title. This can be helpful for finding specific articles or blog posts. 

Suppose I want to find out the list of all pages that have “how to start a blog in 2025” keyword mentioned at title level. This will help me understand the competition level for the mentioned keyword as well. So I will make a search for intitle:”how to start a blog” in Google search.

intitle Google Search Operator

3. inurl:

This operator searches for a specific word or phrase in the URL of all web pages on a particular site. 

For example, if you wanted to find pages that mention “SEO” on BloggersPassion’s website, you would enter inurl:seo into the Google search box and it will display all the URLs that contain the word โ€œSEOโ€ at URL level.

Have a look;

inurl Google Search Operator

4. filetype:

The “filetype:” operator lets you specify the type of file you are looking for, such as a PDF or an image. This allows you to specify the type of file that you’re looking for, and it will only return results that match that file type. 

For example, if you wanted to find a PDF on WordPress, you could search for “filetype:pdf WordPress”  and it will return you all the search results that have a WordPress PDF file to offer.

filetype Google Search Operator

5. * 

This asterisk (*) operator can be used to search pages that contain anything before your keyword.

For instance, (learn * programming) will return pages that contain โ€œhow toโ€ฆโ€ 

Have a look;

Asterisk Operator

See that? Youโ€™ll notice all the โ€œHow toโ€ posts showing up when you enter the * operator before the keyword โ€œhow toโ€.

Top 10 Basic Search Operators 

Are you new to using search operators? Then, you may want to use the following basic Google search operators.

1. in 

If you want to convert between two similar units, you can use the โ€œinโ€ operator.

For instance, โ€œ10 meters in cmโ€ will return the following result.

in operator

As you can see above, Google will automatically convert the units when you use the operator โ€œinโ€.

2. – 

You can put the minus (-) symbol in front of any keyword to exclude that term from the Google search results.

For example, bloggerspassion -blog will show you everything other than the blog results.

Have a look;

negative search operator

Did you know? Google handles 8.5 billion searches daily worldwide. get the Insights into Google search data.

3. โ€œ โ€œ

You can insert any phrase in quotes (โ€œ โ€œ) to show exact-match search results on Google.

Hereโ€™s an example;

exact operator

As you can see above, when you enter the search term โ€œwhat is a blogโ€, Google will show you all the results that contain that exact-match word. Sometimes, Google will also return synonyms or related terms to show broad results. 

4. stock:

This operator will show you the current information about a stock including its current price and recent trends.

For example, when you use the string stock:tesla, Google will show the current stock price of Tesla.

stock operator

5. define: 

This operator displays definitions from various online dictionaries for any word or phrase that you type into Google.

To use this, simply enter define: followed by a word or phrase into the Google search box and Google will display definitions from several different dictionaries. For example, when you use the string define:small, Google will show the following things.


6. $

This operator will search for prices. 

For example, when you type something like iPhone $500, Google will show you all the search results with the prices of the iPhone.

Have a look;

$ operator

7. weather:

This search operator will help you find the weather for a specific location.

For instance, when you search for weather: new york, it will show you the current weather in New York City.


8. loc:

If you want Google to search only a specific location, you can use the loc: search operator.

For example, loc:โ€Los angelesโ€ hotels will only give you search results that are specific to one location i.e. Berlin.

location search operator

This search operator will be extremely helpful if you want to narrow down specific location search results or if youโ€™re a website owner whoโ€™s doing local SEO, it can be really helpful. 

9. map:

This operator will show you the exact map of a specific location you want.

For example, map: London will show you the Google Maps of London city.

Have a look;

map operator

See that? If you want to directly open Googleโ€™s map widget of a specific location, use the map: operator.

10. #

You can use the search operator # (hashtag) to find hashtags.

Simply, put # in front of a word. For example,  #throwbackFriday will show you a list of the searches that contain that particular hashtag. 

Have a look;


9 Advanced Google Search Operators to Use In 2025

Are you looking for advanced Google search operators to find exclusive information on Google?  Then, you should definitely try the following search operators.

1. inanchor: 

This operator is useful if you want to search for an exact anchor text used on any links.

Example, inanchor:”WordPress SEO”


As you can see above, the inachor: operator will help you find those anchor text links with the exact-match keyword.

2. allintext: 

This will search for specific text contained on any web page

For example, allintext: blogger income reports


As shown above, youโ€™ll only find search results that include specific text on web pages.

3. related:

This search operator displays websites that are similar to the website that you type into Google. 

This can be useful if you want to find other websites on a similar topic or if you want to find alternatives to a particular website. 

For example, if you wanted to find websites related to Google’s website, you would enter into the Google search box.


As you can see, youโ€™ll find all the related search engines that are similar to Google.

4. Pipe operator |

| (pipe operator) can be a simple replacement for the Google search operator OR.

| operator actually combines searches.

For instance, when you search for SEO | PPC youโ€™ll get the following result;

pipe operator

As you can see above, the pipe operator works similarly to the OR operator. 

5. source:

This operator will allow you to select a specific source in Google News.

This search operator will be extremely helpful if you want to cite specific news sources.


Bonus Guide: Master Google search operators to refine your search results. Discover even more powerful tools with our Answer the Public alternative guide.

6.  AROUND(X) operator

This search operator is a bit tricky. It helps you get results where your search terms are close to each other.

The X is how many words at most can separate the two search terms.

For example, if you use the search term SEO AROUND(4) video

Youโ€™ll only get results where โ€œSEOโ€ and โ€œvideoโ€ are within 4 words of each other.

Have a look;

around operator

7. ..

This search operation can be used to refine the search results within the range of numbers that you mention.

For example, if you want to find a list of all the smartphones that are within the range of $100 to $500, you can use the search operator as smartphones $100..$500 and Google will show you products within that price range.

.. operator

8. Allinurl:

This operator will show only those pages with the search query specified in the URL.

For instance, if you enter the search term allinurl:gift card google play, Google will show you all the URLs that contain the words Google play, gift, and card.


You can use this operator to filter out irrelevant search results for popular topics or products. 

9. movie:

This search operator will show you the information about a movie including its series (if any).

For example, the search query movie:tom cruise, will show you the movie widget on Google search results along with all the film series.

Have a look;

Google Search Trick

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Final thoughts on Google search operators list 2025

The FASTEST way to find the information you want on Google is to use search operators.

There are dozens of search operators available, each of which can be extremely useful in various situations. So if you want to get the most out of Google, it’s a GREAT idea to learn about different search operators. 

Did you find the Google search operators list useful? Have we missed any of your favorite search operators? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. 

FAQs | Essential Google search operators

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Google search operators.

What is a Google search operator?

Search operators are special characters or words that you can add to your search to narrow down your results to include only relevant results.

What does the site: operator do?

The “site:” operator lets you search for results from a specific website. So if you wanted to find all the articles about the website โ€œMashableโ€ on Google, you could search for “”ย 

Which operator is used for the exact search?

You can use the quotation marksย (” “) search operator to find search results with an exact match.

What is an inurl?

It’s a Google search operator that allows you to search for a particular word or phrase in the URL of a webpage.

What are some of the most popular Google search operators?

Here are a few of the popular Google search operators.
– Quotation marks to find an exact phrase: “xyz”
– Asterisk: import*
– Tilde operator to find synonyms: ~any keyword
– Site: to only search a specific website:

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About Author
Anil Agarwal is the Founder of Bloggerspassion. He is a full-time blogger and SEO expert who has been helping people build profitable blogs for over a decade Now. He has been featured in Over 100 Publications including Forbes, The HuffPost, HubSpot, Shopify, Semrush, Kinsta, Bluehost, Hostinger and etc. Know more about Anil Agarwal from here.

Reader Comment (1)

  1. Hello Anil,

    Thanks for sharing such an amazing list of Google operators. Among these, intitle and allinurl are my favorites and most used google operators but good to know some new ones.

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