Ryan Biddulph is one of my favorite bloggers who always seems to have fun at what he does.
Ryan is the author of Blogging From Paradise where he mainly talks about;
- Building a thriving blogging community
- Making money online
- His travel experience (he travels A LOT) and a lot more.
If you’re looking for a fun blog to read (and learn some really interesting stuff about blogging), you must check out his blog.
What I really like about Ryan is that he doesn’t really focus too much on making money. He thinks money is a by-product of what you offer to the blogging community. That’s what I believe too. If you’re too much concerned about making money online, you really don’t focus on building audience. That’s why 81% of the blogs fail to make even 100 dollars.
So in this interview with Ryan Biddulph, let’s discover some of the prolific tips that Ryan has for us. Are you curious to find them out? Let’s jump into the interview without further ado.
Ryan Biddulph interview on building a successful blog

1. Welcome to Bloggers interview series, Ryan. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?
Thanks for having me Anil ๐ My name is Ryan Biddulph. I help bloggers retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging at Blogging From Paradise.
2. What was your biggest blogging lesson that made a HUGE impact on your life?
Blogging mainly for fun helped me find the unlimited energy I have to guest post, to comment on blogs, to write posts for my blog and to write and self-publish 126 eBooks. By getting rid of many blogging fears I was able to blog for fun, opening me up to a whole new friend network and way of blogging.
Explore our curated list of ‘free guest posting websites’ to kickstart your guest posting strategy. Click here.
3. I know you travel a lot. What’s your favourite place and why?
Thailand is my favorite country but I also love Bali, Costa Rica and Fiji too.
4. What’s your daily routine? How much time do you spend a week on blogging?
I spend about 8 to 10 hours daily blogging.
My current routine involves meditating after I wake them. I read and comment on blog posts from my Feedly feed. I then write and submit 2-4 guest posts daily. I also share my insights on The Warrior Forum and Quora. Toss in 2 posts weekly on Blogging From Paradise, a weekly podcast and daily live videos on Facebook and Periscope and you have my day, and week.
Takeaway:ย Most successful bloggers are successful because they work extremely hard. Blogging is no different. If you want to build a successful blog, make sure to spend quality time on it like Ryan does. Click here to explore the list of top bloggers.
5. What are the 3 ultimate productivity tips that you have for our readers?
Blog mainly for fun to find unlimited energy for your productivity. Batch tasks, meaning, set aside 60 minutes for a specific blogging task then move on when the 60 minutes expires. Spend at least 30 minutes daily on personal development, which raises your energy and boosts your productivity.
6. What are the 3 premium products that you can’t live without?
My self-hosted WordPress blog. My CDN. Those are the 2 I cannot live without because I am not too focused on using tools.
7. You’re featured on some of the top sites like Huff post, Forbes, Virgin etc. What tips do you have for those who want to land on the biggest blogs when they’re unknown?
Write 1000 words every day in a Word Document and trash the document after you are done. Repeat for years. you get featured on top sites by developing a skill for years, which is why it’s tough to get featured on top sites.
Build your friend network every day for years by promoting *other* bloggers on social media. Your friend network will expand your reach, helping you pop up on the radar of big dawg sites.
Takeaway: Writing 1000 words a day is an incredible tip. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a native English speaker or not, try to pen down your thoughts every single day to hone your writing skills. Writing helps you a lot (in terms of building audience, creating products and writing epic content).
8. If you had to start a blog from scratch, how would you build audience and monetize it?
I’d guest post and blog comment on top blogs.
As for monetizing, I’d understand that my writing skill – practiced daily – is the #1 monetizing factor. Beyond that I would learn an income stream every 3-6 months and then add more streams, learning, executing, tweaking and earning money through 1 stream before I add another stream.
9. You’re a writing ninja. You’ve written A TON of Amazon books and guest posts. How do you handle so much of writing? How do you beat the writerโs block?
I genuinely love writing *but* I practiced writing 1000 to 10,000 to even 20,000 words daily for many years. So I write like most people breathe.
When you write like most people breathe you never suffer from writer’s block.
10. How do you make money online? Do you have any monetization tips for our readers?
I make money online by having written millions of words for practice. Money responds to polished, honed skills, not income streams.
I also built my friend network every single day by promoting other bloggers, who then promoted me, endorsed me and helped me make money through blogging.
My income streams: selling premium courses, selling eBooks and audio books and paperbacks, offering blog consulting services, offering various consulting services, freelance writing, sponsored posts, ad revenue, affiliate revenue and a few other income streams too.
Final thoughts about Ryan Biddulph’s interview
Creating a blog is easy but making it successful is not. Here’s where few people like Ryan Biddulph excels by writing every single day. Not only he writes every day but he also connects with other bloggers by offering help.
If you want to build a better blog by having fun, you must read Ryan’s blog.
So what are your thoughts about Ryan Biddulph’s interview? Did you like it? Do you have any questions for him? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.