Bloggers Income Report 2024: How Much Money Do Top Bloggers Make

Are you looking for the blogging income reports of TOP bloggers? Curious to know how other bloggers earn money from their blogs? You’re in the right place.

Hands down, blogging is one of the most affordable online businesses you can start. You only need to invest in a reliable web host, a WordPress theme, and a few tools to start your own blog.

The blog you’re currently reading generates over $13,000 per month. There are A TON of successful bloggers who’re making much more income.

In this post, you’re going to discover a handpicked list of blog income reports along with their essential details including;

  • Their income sources
  • Lessons to learn from these bloggers
  • Their yearly income reports (approximate) and much more
Blogger NameBlog's NameYearly IncomeIncome Sources
Anil$226,000/yearAffiliate Products, Sponsorships, etc
Sayan Neogie$145,000/yearAdvertising networks , Mediavine earnings, etc
Kylie Lato$300,000/yearAd publishing networks, Amazon Associates, Own product sales, Affiliate marketing, etc

So are you ready? Let’s jump into the details without much ado.

Top Bloggers Income Reports [Updated List for 2024]

bloggers income report

1. Anil Agarwal ($160,000/year)

Anil Agarwal is the founder of BloggersPassion, one of India’s top blogs. Anil is a full-time blogger, affiliate marketer, and SEO expert with over a decade of experience in digital marketing.

You can learn how to make a full-time income from blogging on his blog. He often publishes in-depth articles and case studies around SEO and affiliate marketing to help people generate more traffic and sales. 

If you’re looking for a one-stop source to learn blogging and SEO, BloggersPassion is the perfect choice for you.

What’s the Blog Income Report of Anil Agarwal?

Anil Agarwal from BloggersPassion generated $160,000 in 2023 (his blog generated $220,000 in the previous year i.e. 2022)

Looking for the blogger earning proof? Here’s the Semrush earning report of Anil Agarwal;

semrush earnings

On average, Anil made over $13,300 per month in 2023. 

You can also check out the BloggersPassion income reports to find more details about the blog’s income and traffic sources, along with the screenshots.

What are the income sources?

Here’s how Anil Agarwal makes money from his blog BloggersPassion;

  • Affiliate marketing is the BIGGEST income source of BloggersPassion (Anil is also one of the top affiliate earners for Semrush affiliate program)
  • Own product sales (Anil offers multiple premium eBooks around SEO and affiliate marketing)
  • Brand collaborations, sponsorships, etc 

What can we learn from Anil Agarwal?

Be consistent: Consistency is the key to achieving blogging success. Anil Agarwal launched BloggersPassion in 2010. 

In the first year of launching the blog, only 3000 people visited his blog. Now, his blog generates over 2.2 million views every single year. Also, he generates over $13,000 per month from his blog. 

How did he go from zero to earning thousands of dollars in blogging revenue?


He’s highly consistent with his blog posting schedule. He also often networks with other bloggers through social media and emails. He runs an amazing Facebook group called BloggersPassion VIP group with over 21,000 bloggers worldwide.

If you’re a blogger, be consistent. One of the best ways to be consistent is to establish a routine. When you have a set routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Another way to be consistent is to create goals and track your progress.  

2. Sayan Neogie ($145,000/year)

Sayan Neogie is the founder of “” which mostly talks about saving money and making money online. Sayan is an IT engineer by education who turned into a full-time blogger. He launched this blog as a side hustle, now generating a full-time income.

Whether you want to make money online or work from home advice, “Prosmartrepreneur” blog is just for you.

What’s the Blog Income Report of Sayan Neogie?

Sayan Neogie made over $145,000 in 2023 from his blog. In December 2023, he made over $10K. Want blogging earning proof of Sayan Neogie?

Here’s one of the earning reports of his blog;

mediavine income

If you want to find more details, you can check out his blog income report for 2023 from here.

What are the income sources?

Here are some of the income sources of Sayan;

  • Advertising networks 
  • Mediavine Ad Income and more

What can we learn from Sayan Neogie?

Develop content marketing skills: One of the biggest reasons for Sayan Neogie’s online success is his content marketing skills. He also publishes monthly income reports on his blog, revealing his income and traffic sources. If you’re honest with your audience, you’ll succeed!

In case you’re curious, content marketing includes blog posts, articles, infographics, social media posts, white papers, e-books, and videos.

One of the main benefits of content marketing is that it allows you to connect with your target audience on a more personal level.  When you create relevant content for your target audience, they will be more likely to engage with it. They trust you when they engage with your content, and sales will follow!

In addition, content marketing helps you build trust and credibility with your audience. When they see that you regularly create quality content, they will be more likely to do business with you. 

3. Kylie Lato ($366,000/year)

Kylie Lato is the founder of Midwest Foodie, a food blog focusing on sharing simple recipes. Kylie is a food blogger, photographer, and recipe developer who strives to provide food recipes that are extremely easy to make.

She started the blog “Midwest Foodie” in 2017 where she often shares step-by-step instructions and recipes that you can use to feed your family. 

What’s the Blog Income Report of Kylie?

Kylie shares quarterly blog income reports. In the final quarter of 2023 (i.e from October to December), she made over $142,000 which is incredible. 

On average, Kylie generates over $300,000 every year from her blog.

Here’s the blog income report of Kylie from Midwest Foodie blog;

kylie income

As you can see above, she made $142,000 in only three months.

What are the income sources?

Kylie uses the following strategies to make money from her blog;

  • Ad publishing networks such as AdThrive
  • Amazon Associates
  • Her own product sales
  • Affiliate products
  • Sponsored posts and more

What can we learn from Kylie?

Be passionate about your work:  Although Kylie is a busy mom, she still finds time to share healthy recipes with her audience. One big reason for Kylie’s online success is her passion for sharing simple recipes. No matter what niche you’re in, passion is key to success. 

A passionate work ethic is infectious. It inspires others around you and makes them want to do their best too.

It doesn’t feel like work when you’re passionate about your work. You’re excited to get up in the morning and start your day because you know you will be doing something you love. You’re always looking for ways to improve and grow.

A Quick Analysis of Top Blogger Income Reports

analysis of income reports from top bloggers

So far, we’ve discussed the top bloggers’ income reports along with their earning sources. 

The #1 reason for us to do this income reports post is this: we wanted to help new and aspiring bloggers to inspire and find PROVEN ways to earn money from blogging.

That said, here’s the analysis of income reports from top bloggers mentioned on this page.

  • The majority of bloggers are getting a decent amount of traffic to their websites starting from 30K visits to million visits per month. Whether you know it or not, traffic is the lifeblood of any money-making blog, so focus on increasing your website traffic (mostly from search engines like Google, because it converts well).
  • If you’ve observed the above top bloggers’ income reports carefully, you’ll notice that most of the bloggers are full-time bloggers spending the majority of their time on building their blogs and increasing their network. Full-time bloggers spend more time (typically 8 to 10 hrs a day) than part-time bloggers who spend 2 to 3 hours a day.
  • Almost all bloggers share expenses and their income sources on their income reports.
  • Affiliate marketing, selling their courses, and using display ads are the most preferred ways for most bloggers mentioned in this post.
  • Almost every blogger mentioned here knows the power of email marketing. Everyone is offering at least one freebie (such as a newsletter, free eBooks, email courses, and so on) to build and grow their email lists.
  • Almost all the top bloggers who are successfully earning thousands of dollars and sharing their bloggers’ income reports have one thing in common: they create really unique content. Be it videos, podcasts, or articles, their content is worth following, and that’s why they’re easily able to build email lists, grow their traffic, increase their sales, and so on.

FAQs | Blogger Income Reports 2024

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about blogger earnings.

How much does Amit Agarwal earn?

Amit Agarwal from earns around $50,000 per month on average. 

How much does Harsh Agrawal from ShoutMeLoud earn?

 Harsh Agrawal earns around $30,000 to $40,000 per month.

What are the major income sources for most bloggers?

There are a few different ways to make money as a blogger. You can sell advertising space on your blog or join an affiliate program to promote products from other companies. You can also offer writing, design, or marketing services to other bloggers or businesses.

How much does a beginner blogger earn?

On average, most new bloggers earn $500 to $1000 a month within the first year. Also, earnings can vary depending on a lot of different factors. Some beginner bloggers may earn a small amount of money, while others may earn a lot more. Generally, the more effort you put in (in the initial weeks), the more money you’ll be able to make.

How much does Anil Agarwal from BloggersPassion earn?

On average, Anil Agarwal generates around $13,000 monthly from his blog BloggersPassion. He also shares yearly BloggersPassion income reports, where you can find his income sources along with traffic and earning reports.

Is blogging profitable in 2024?

Blogging can be profitable if you do it right. You need to create valuable content for your readers that they will want to come back to read. You also need to make sure you are promoting your blog on social media and other channels so that you can reach a larger audience.

Browse more Income Reports:

Final Thoughts on Blogger Earning Proofs

Most top bloggers use popular methods for generating income, including affiliate marketing, selling digital products, and sponsorship deals. 

In addition, many bloggers can make a living by working with brands as consultants or providing services such as copywriting, SEO, etc. 

No matter what niche you’re in, try to monetize with PASSIVE income sources so you can earn even while you sleep.

So what are your thoughts about the blogging income reports shared here? Did they inspire you? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments.

About Author
Anil Agarwal is the Founder of Bloggerspassion. He is a full-time blogger and SEO expert who has been helping people build profitable blogs for over a decade Now. He has been featured in Over 100 Publications including Forbes, The HuffPost, HubSpot, Shopify, Semrush, Kinsta, Bluehost, Hostinger and etc. Know more about Anil Agarwal from here.

Reader Comments (157)

  1. Hi Anil,
    Your post will certainly boosted the confidence of new bloggers and encourage them to outperform in their respective niche. Thanks for presenting the content in such a meaningful way.

  2. Beautiful compilation Anil!

    This article literally explains the ways to earn money from blogging. And these bloggers including you are our motivation to make our place in the successful blogging community.

    Honestly, whenever I feel low to do blogging, I see such numbers on your blog and my morale goes high.

    Thanks for this…

    • Glad you found it useful. And we’re going to update this post as frequently as possible to motivate more people like you. The key to building a profitable blog is to be consistent, follow the right trends and develop your mindset to growth.

  3. Thank you so much, Anil for your inspirational posts. I have learned many things from your article. There are some famous bloggers here, I didn’t know about them before. I feel very happy when I see their earnings. This article must inspire the new bloggers so that they can do very well in this challenging sector. This is really most trending ideas to great post. Liked it very much thanks for the creative ideas. This is a great list and a brilliant way of backing analysis online with your blog I really liked this post as it is understandable and very informative, Thanks for an awesome post and good luck for future.

    • Hi Martin, yes there are a ton of bloggers who are making a lot of money. Blogging is not hard especially if you’re someone who is consistently creating blog posts for a long time. You just need to be consistent and learn the new stuff every single day. Glad you found it useful and let me know if you’ve any questions.

  4. Hi Anil,
    Glad, Big numbers here, A great list of a great blogger. This is another great post on blogging and this post motivated me. It also inspires new bloggers like me. Harsh Aggarwal is my favorite blogger. Thanks so much for sending out this information!

  5. I am running Google Adsense since last two year and earn much money, but after Google had started giving more priority to mobile first sites my website ranking is going down day by day. I have optimized my website as I can but due to Adsense speed of my website is not improved on mobile devices. Do I remove Adsense, is there is any other way to earn money online. Please help I am losing my ranking day by day from Jan 2019.

  6. Anil,
    This is the very definition of hard work, keep it up. These lists help keep people motivated while also allowing them to connect to these experts. So thanks for taking the time.

    Take care, friend!

  7. I just started with affiliate marketing and it is very stressful getting articles to rank. I think that is where the hard work is when it comes to affiliate marketing. Google AdSense is also great but not really had much luck with them. Still trying to get it right. All the same, I will bookmark this post for future use.

  8. I only know google adsense for earning. Here everyone is talking about affiliate marking ? what exactly is that.

    BTW nice detailed and motivating post sir

  9. This is an amazing list Anil. I think sharing income reports is very motivating for many bloggers to keep blogging regularly. Personally I am also following all these bloggers and gone through their blogging journey. Whatever they are earning today, is a pure example of their hard work, patience & dedication.

    • Yes, we do such income reports mostly inspire beginner bloggers so they can get ideas on what works and what’s not. Above all, these income reports give you instant inspiration to work hard on your goals.

  10. Hi Anil,
    Glad, Big numbers here, A great list of a great blogger. This is another great post on blogging and this post motivated me. It also inspires new bloggers like me. Harsh Aggarwal is my favorite blogger. Thanks so much for sending out this information!

  11. Hi Anil,

    A great list of great blogger..

    I don’t know many blogger in your list but after reading this post surely start following few more blogger. one of the common thing i observed here is affiliate earning and it is only greatest source for all top blogger…i will surely apply on my blog as well…

    Thanks again Anil.

  12. Adsense is a reliable source but most people make peanuts from it. Apart from that, you’re sending your visitors away from your site if you’re using AdSense, that’s why most people prefer aff marketing over adsense. Hope you got my point, that being said if you’re interested in earning more from it, you can check out this post: where you can find a ton of aff programs to promote as a blogger to earn more money.

  13. Anil, both of the blogs that you mentioned, they don’t share their income reports online. We can cover those blogs only which shares their income reports on regular basis.

  14. Dean, we will try to be more regular with our monthly income reports in the coming days. If we are unable to do it every month, will surely aim at doing it after every three months.

  15. Hi Anil,

    This is another great post on Seriously, this post motivated me a lot and gave me spark to do good with my blog. These kinds of posts, inspire new bloggers like me.
    Matthew Woodward and Harsh Aggarwal are my favorite bloggers. Also, I would like to thank you to let me know that Adsense is not the only way to make money from a blog.
    Keep posting these kinds of informative posts in future.


    • Hi Arun, yes, you too can make money blogging with the right kind of mindset. As someone said, “Your mindset matters. It affects everything – from the business and investment decisions you make, to the way you raise your children, to your stress levels and overall well-being”. So if you want to make money like the above bloggers, change your mindset.

  16. Wow, big numbers here. But more importantly this shows aspiring bloggers that anything is possible in this industry. Blogging is fun and rewarding and this should quiet those naysayers up for a while. Great post!

    • To be honest, they are not big numbers, I know people who are making it in millions of dollars each month (but they don’t reveal their income reports). Digital marketing is growing rapidly, so sky’s the limit, you can make any amount of money with the right strategy. Just make sure to focus on growing your online business at a large scale and you’ll make a ton of money.

  17. Hi Anil,
    I was amazed to see the list which you have collected and presented in your content. My first thoughts were: “Really???” I hope this post will bе stand for еver to whom waiting be succеeded in Blogging. I’m not a blogger, but now I have some hesitations……

    • Glad and thanks for finding it useful. Yes, it is definitely going to be helpful for anyone who wants to succeed in blogging. Just focus on one thing at a time and grow your blog audience before you sell anything to them. The key here is to network with other bloggers so you can succeed. All the very best. You should check out this post as well: if you want to learn more about SEO.

  18. These bloggers are very inspiring to other newbie bloggers. To earn from the blog, it requires some time and traffic and it is not possible to earn from the first day.

    • To earn money from a site, yes you definitely need more traffic but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait for years to start making money. If you’re smart enough you can make money from blogging from day 1 by offering freelancing services like writing, design, WP installation services and so on. So think big, and start small.

  19. Thanks for the income roundup.
    I am still dreaming of those numbers. In traffic AND cash.
    Working on it.
    And it’s a good source of inspiration.
    In case of Michelle she’s earning even far more now. Up to 160k a month.
    It’s good to be in her facebook mastermind group. Very valuable.

    P.S.: Not to judge, but just curious, why didn’t you sort the list by revenue?
    This would help a lot. Anyway it’s a gread contribution to have some inspiration what’s possible. Thanks for the list.

    ~ Holger

    • Both traffic and blogging profits go hand in hand. You need to focus on search engine traffic though, for that you need to get access to tools like SEMrush. SEMrush is the most extensive, complete and all-in-one toolset that will give you tons of data along with traffic analysis, almost every blogging professional use this tool for search engine optimization, pay per click, keyword research, valuable link sources, site audits and so on, you can go through this post to find more about it:

  20. Hello Anil,

    Thanks for this income reports from various bloggers. I am familiar with all of them. This type of posts really encourage me to do more as I am earning around $1000 from my blog and hope will earn more in future.

    • Good to know that you’re already making over $1000 from your blog, if you want to take your earnings and search traffic of your site to the next level, you need a tool like SEMrush which helps you with keyword research, link building, site audits and so on, you can go through this post to find more about it:

  21. Thank Anil, a lot of useful information about make money online here.
    Incoming proof one way inspires me in making money from my blog, one way that I can find other method that very new to me.
    In addition, I found that mostly they earn from affiliate, Google Adsense just a little bit.
    For that reason, I will remove my Google Adsense Ad from my blog because it is very low earning (I just got approved sine 12 July, but earn only 0.2 $/d).

    • Even I love reading income reports of other bloggers, not only they inspire me to work hard but they also give me new ideas to make money from my blogs. So use them to your advantage, don’t get motivated by reading them, find out how they are making and apply one or two things on your own blog too to get better results. Yes, a lot of bloggers are using affiliate marketing because you can make even while sleeping. All the very best for your success.

  22. Really inspiring list. I have started sharing my own blogging income this year as a way to help others see it works and to be able to see myself what works better when it comes to monetizing. Only this way I can focus on what works best and earn even more.

    • Hey Ramona, glad to know that you’re also running income reports on your blog, do let me know if your blog is making good profits consistently so we can include your site in the list as well. You can use the contact form to get in touch with me and provide all your details about traffic and money making sources, I’ll be glad to include.

  23. Hello Anil,

    I always read income proof of the bloggers to whom I follow. But, sometimes I read Income proof of random bloggers. I can say, I got lot of information from this post.

  24. Majority of them are making money with affiliate network which shows that Adsense is not a reliable source of earning for them. Thanks for the list. @Harsh Agarwal is an Amazing Person, I have personally talked to him. He is amazing & has huge Potential.

    • Adsense is a reliable source but most people make peanuts from it. Apart from that, you’re sending your visitors away from your site if you’re using AdSense, that’s why most people prefer aff marketing over adsense. Hope you got my point, that being said if you’re interested in earning more from it, you can check out this post: where you can find a ton of aff programs to promote as a blogger to earn more money.

  25. Hello Anil,

    I appreciate your effort put the things together in this post. This is really like a boost up for newbies and the beginners for the Blogging industry. As I was new for this niche, I really enjoyed and inspired with the list you have provided in your post. Everyone should start their career for point 1. So I’m also trying my luck in this industry and hope will see the success soon.


  26. Hi Anil,

    Thank you for taking your time to compile this vital information. With this, you’ve won my heart again. I’m falling in love with your blog like I just met it today for the first time.

    Wow! This is amazing. This is a proof that blogging pays. I promise never to quit this career called blogging until I start making a million dollar monthly.

    I’m so impressed with the way bloggers are collaborating. It makes me feel at home online.

    Keep it up. I pray that your income will hit $10,000 this month. Yeah. That’s my sincere desire for you.

    Emenike Emmanuel

    • You can never make millions of dollars from a blog, you need to treat it as a business. You can make millions only from businesses that have a lot of customers, so focus on investing money and efforts in turning your blog into a thriving online business. Always remember that success comes only to those who’re consistently putting efforts and finding ways to generate money from loyal customers. You can also consider affiliate marketing as it is one of the most effective ways to make money online: (you can find a ton of programs to promote)


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